High Voltage and Current Input Module
4-Channel Isolated High Voltage Power Module
4-Channel Isolated High Voltage Module accepts up to 600 Vrms or 1000 VDC (Cat III) or 1,000 Vrms or DC (Cat II) with 16 selectable measurements including power quality.
Voltage and Current Input Module Key Benefits
- Acquire 8 power quality measurements with only one pair of voltage and current
- 4 high voltage inputs (up to 1,000 V)
- Multiple input ranges provide maximum resolution
- Simultaneous sampling up to 50 kS/s/ch
- 16-bit Resolution
- Built-in counter and timer functions
Daxus® DXS-100 and SmartCorder® DDX-100 data acquisition systems
Typical applications
- Power quality monitoring
- Renewable energy
- Asset monitoring
- Testing power supplies, battery chargers, inverters, motors and more
- Input Channels Per Module: 4
- Viewable Channels Per Module: 16 (includes processed math channels)
- Connector: Guarded banana jacks (red/black)
- Input: Differential, DC coupled
- Bandwidth: 14 kHz (-3dB)
- Rated Isolation: 600 VRMS or DC, Cat III (channel to chassis and other channels), 1000 VDC, Cat II (channel to chassis and other channels)
- Sample Rate: 50 kS/s/ch
- A/D: 16 bit SAR (one per channel)
- Anti-Aliasing Filter: 4 pole Bessel
- Cold Start Drift: < 0.02% att + .02% span (60 min.)
- Off Ground Measurements: Yes
- Zero Suppression: Digital.
- Attenuator Ranges: 40, 200 and 1000 Volt
- Measurement Ranges: ± 1000 V (1000 VFS or 2000 VFS w/ zero offset), ± 200 V (200 VFS or 400 VFS w/ zero offset),
± 40 V (40 VFS or 80 VFS w/ zero offset.)
- Minimum Span: 2VFS
- Max Rated Input: 600 Vrms or DC, Cat III, 1000V DC, Cat II
- DC Accuracy (25°C): ± 0.06% of attenuator
- Overshoot: < 0.1%
- Intrinsic Noise (pk-pk): < 0.047% of attenuator + .013% of span (40V att), < 0.013% of attenuator + .02% of span (200V att),
< 0.005% of attenuator + .024% of span (1000V att)
- IMR at 60 Hz: Better than -75 dB
- Crosstalk: Better than -80 dB
- Minimum Input Impedance: > 10 Megohm
- Power Calculations: True power, apparent power, power factor, cycle based RMS voltage and cycle based RMS current (Power Mode)
- Math Functions: Differentiation, integration, time based RMS, Cycle Based RMS (Std Mode)
- Frequency Counter Capability: All channels. Software selectable.
- Counter Modes: Gated time frequency counter, cycle based frequency counter, pulse width detector, period width detector, duty cycle detector.
- Counter Modes (Power Mode): Cycle based frequency counter (0.1 Hz resolution, 1.0 Hz minimum)
- Frequency Ctr Range (Menu): Up to 20 kHz
- Frequency Ctr Range (Spec’d): 2 – 12 kHz (Standard Mode)
- Min Counter Input Amplitude: ± 0.07% of Measurement + .002 Hz (Standard Mode)
- Pulse Counter Range: 4000000000 maximum. (16 bit display resolution)
- Pulse Width Accuracy: .002% of measurement + .00167% of span + 0.7 μs
- Pulse Width Range: 25 μs – 2500000
- Edge Separation Accuracy: .002% of measurement + .00167% of span + 0.7 μs
- Edge Separation Range: 25 μs – 5000000 μs
- Period Width Accuracy: .001% of measurement + .00167% of span + 0.7 μs
- Period Width Range: 25 μs – 100000 μs (10 Hz – 30 KHz)
- Duty Cycle Accuracy: .5% (Inputs in the 1 Hz – 5 kHz range with 5% – 95% duty cycles)
- Counter Timebase: 50 MHz
Optional accessories
 | GL-40 General Use Lead Set, P/N: 13442000 |
 | LC-40 Test Leads/Clips (Pair of test leads and pincer clips – one red and one black), P/N: 13441003 |
 | LC-40S Test Leads/Spade Connectors (Pair of test leads with spade connector for #8 screw), P/N: 13441201 |
 | ADP-4810 High Voltage Probe for up to 1000 Vrms, P/N: 25765000 |
 | SL261 Current Probe reads AC or DC current, 100 A maximum, P/N: 24661201 |
 | MR411 Current Probe reads AC or DC current, 600 A maximum, P/N: 24661200 |
 | MR521 Current Probe reads AC or DC current, 1500 A maximum, P/N: 24661100 |
 | MN255 Current Probe reads AC current, 240 A maximum, P/N: 24661300 |
 | SR759 Current Probe reads AC current, 1200 A maximum, P/N: 24661400 |
 | JM875 Current Probe reads AC current, 3000A maximum, P/N: 246615000 |
 | FP300A Flexible Current Probe reads AC current, 300A maximum, P/N: 24661600 |
 | FP3000A Flexible Current Probe reads AC current, 3000 A maximum, P/N: 24661700 |
 | FP6000A Flexible Current Probe reads AC current, 6000 A maximum, P/N: 24661620 |
 | SC-DAX Soft Carry Case for Daxus DXS-100, P/N: 42737000 |
 | HC-DXS Hard Carry Case for Daxus DXS-100, P/N: 41047300 |
 | SC-DDX Soft Carry Case for SmartCorder DDX-100, P/N: 41047200 |
Available services
- 1-Year extended warranty
- Factory calibration service